

英[ruːd] 美[rud]
  • adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;未开化的
  • n. (Rude)人名;(英、西、瑞典)鲁德;(法)吕德


1. socially incorrect in behavior;
"resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion"
2. (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace
3. lacking civility or good manners;
"want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue"- Willa Cather
4. (used especially of commodities) in the natural unprocessed condition;
"natural yogurt"
"natural produce"
"raw wool"
"raw sugar"
"bales of rude cotton"
5. belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness;
"the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"
"primitive movies of the 1890s"
"primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains"